Celebrate Spring
Festival of Colour
Saturday, April 13, 2013, 11:30 am – 4:00 pm
FREE Admission
6688 Southoaks Crescent (at Kingsway & Sperling), Burnaby
The Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre presents Celebrate Spring at Nikkei Centre! on Saturday, April 13, 11:30 am to 4pm. Located at Nikkei Place in Burnaby with a beautiful Japanese Canadian garden and cherry blossoms along the sidewalk. This is a free spring event featuring kimono dress-up, tea ceremony, make your own haiku, Kids Crafts, and much more.
Enjoy a special Sakura Bento lunch. Japanese tea and sweets will be on site. Shop for kimono, handmade Japanese fashion accessories, jewellery, soap, and much more.
Order your special Sakura Bento lunch $12+tax in advance at 604.777.7000 by Wednesday, April 10th.
This event will also feature a membership drive — visit our membership table to learn about the benefits and to get your membership card on site. Every new and renewing member receives a gift and a chance to win a prize! You may also learn about our membership benefits program here.
11:30 am First Nations Blessing by Sam George, Squamish Elder
12:00 pm Japanese Taiko drumming by Sansho Daiko
12:30 pm Korean Percussion ensemble by Hee Hee Rock Rock (Van NamSaDang)
1:00 pm Japanese Choir by Sakura Singers
1:30 pm Korean Choir by Vancouver Women’s Choir
2:00 pm Japanese Dance by Satsuki-kai
2:30 pm Yosakoi dance by Van City Soran
3:00 pm Korean drums by Cheondoong Performing Arts Society
3:30 pm Okinawan dance and drumming by Vancouver Okinawa Taiko
Ellipse Lobby – Displays
Nikkei Centre – Information & Membership
Traditional Japanese tea ceremony presented by Urasenke Tankoukai Vancouver Association
Special Foods and Craft vendors
Intergenerational Room 105
Decorate beautiful paper butterfly balancing toys
Make mini koinobori (carp streamer)
Enjoy folding intricate origami
Face painting
Haiku Display by Gladstone Japanese Language School
Second Floor
Try on a kimono (*by donation)
Visit our TAIKEN historical exhibit
NNMCC Annual General Meeting at 3:00 pm – Large Activity Room
(all members welcome! refreshments served)
Enjoy the beautiful Japanese Canadian garden and cherry trees!