[shared from www.tomoearts.org]
A special workshop in noh utai (chant) and shimai (dance)
DATES: January 24 & 25, 2016
TIMES: Sunday (Jan 24) - 4-8pm & Monday (Jan 25) 6pm-9pm
LOCATION: SFU's Goldcorp Centre for the Arts (149 W. Hastings St.) World Art Centre
COST: $120
Call 604.607.5978 or email to register
After his visit in 2015 as a Cultural Envoy of the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs, noh actor Yamai Tsunao returns to Vancouver in 2016 for a workshop on noh theatre's stylized movement and vocalization. A member of the Komparu school of noh, Yamai is active in bringing the noh tradition to audiences in Japan and abroad. He performed in Vancouver as the lead actor in Hagoromo in April 2014, and Continuity & Connection a concert of noh and jazz piano in February 2015. Yamai Tsunao's website (Japanese only) http://www.yamaitsunao.com. Joining him will be two other professional noh actors from the Komparu School, Muraoka Kiyomi and Kashiwazaki Mayuko.
Workshop participants will learn sections of chant and movement from the noh plays and registration is open to to new students as well as to those who have studied with Yamai Tsunao in previous workshops.
Max 24 participants. Some knowledge of dance, movement or music is preferred but not required. Participants are required to wear comfortable clothing and tabi (Japanese split-toed socks) or white socks
For more details call 604.607.5978 or contact info(at)tomoearts.org.
This was a great workshop the last time around! I'll be interpreting again this time and look forward to seeing some new faces in addition to our participants from last year.