お茶三昧 2016
On May 1, San Francisco State University will host the third Ocha Zanmai conference on chanoyu and tea culture. Once again comprised of presentations by special guest lecturers from Japan as well as presenters from around the world, this year's Ocha Zanmai will also feature a special exhibit of three chagama iron kettles by Ōnishi Seiwemon, the sixteenth-generation master craftsman to the Sen family as well as a chashaku-making demonstration and, of course, tea for attendees.
I am honored to be interpreting for the guest speakers this year and am looking forward to an enriching day of lectures and activities. The conference is open to the public with discounts for early registration (before March 12). The conference program and registration forms can be downloaded here:
Ocha Zanmai 2016 program
Ocha Zanmai 2016 registration
Special guest lectures 特別講演
Mr. Seiwemon Ōnishi, "Cha-no-yu-Kama: Beauty and Appreciation"
大西清右衛門氏 (千家十職釜師) 茶の湯の釜の美と鑑賞」
Dr. Kunio Kirisako, "Tea Rooms in the Momoyama Era and the Yamanoue no Sōji ki"
桐浴邦夫博士 (建築史家)「山上宗二記と桃山の茶室」
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the conference or would like additional information.